Monday, September 8, 2014

Steps To a Beautiful Wall

An important pre-requisite of a beautiful wall would be a fine-looking color. Wall painting colours can be chosen from the ample paint brands available in Nepal which offers extensive varieties of shades and hues.
It would be wise to seek expert guidance to get the best Wall colors for your home in Nepal. After color selection is done, prepare a small amount of the selected paint and apply it on a small portion of 2ft X 2ft area on the wall and leave it on for a few days. This would enable you to experience how the color would appear at different lighting and time.

           A step by step guideline has been sketched as follows:
1.       Scrutinize the walls for cracks, holes, stains and get rid of them. You could use putty to cover up the holes. Use appropriate sand paper to make the areas puttied smooth. Also, make sure the wall surface is dust-free, clean and dry for a long lasting paint-job.
2.      Make use of a painter’s tape on the window and door edges, molding and other areas that you deem necessary to ensure clean crisp lines, making painting around those tricky areas easy and to create fascinating patterns. Make sure the tapes are secure.
3.      It is important to spread drop clothes on the floor and drape the furniture and other areas with plastic, paper and the like to prevent stubborn paint drips and stains later.
4.      Undercoating the walls with primer is an important step to ensure beautiful walls. Priming walls prevent moulds and allow proper adhesion of paint on the wall surface.
5.      Scraping and sanding should then be done to level bumps and other imperfect areas to ensure the surface to be smooth and fit to paint.
6.      To guarantee uniformity of color, paint should be blended well just before use.
7.      The paint ought to be applied with appropriate brushes or rollers depending on the type of paint used. While painting, the rollers should be moved in a series of ‘V’ and ‘W’ shaped strokes from top to bottom looking to cover a manageable section of a 3 ft X 3 ft area. The roller should be reloaded before the paint in it is completely used up. Repeat strokes to make sure you do not miss a spot.
8.      Carefully remove the painter’s tape. Use a utility knife or blades to easily peel them off.
9.      Apply a second coat if required after the first one has dried completely. Give at least 2 to 4 hours. Tightly seal the paint bucket to avoid drying and preserve for future use.
10.  Get ready to receive some worthy compliments!

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